This is a catch up blog of some photos I have taken. A photo journal of sorts. Here is a family on the train in Bangkok. Notice how many hand held devices they have. This is very common in Thailand. Children and adults spend an exorbitant amount of time playing bejeweled, and watching television. At least they do it "together".
Here is my bedroom window with boxes to transport expensive fighting cocks. This is around 5am.
Here is a typical meat counter at your nearest market. Definitely not Publix. Notice the choice cut of pigs head and the cow leg hanging. You probably can't, and don't want, to see how many flies there are on all of these cuts of meat. And yes, we are buying some pork to cook for lunch.
Here are my new friends Toni and April. They are both from the USA and love to walk and eat healthy foods. We had a lot in common. They are also educators like me. We took a long walk along the Klongs in Bangkok. A klong is like a waterway. They have these sidewalks going along them making them nice trails to get around on. Motorcycles use them also, so watch out that you both don't end up in the polluted water.

My Dennis: Bam. Sweet girl who lives next door. She is 10 and loves her dog- Nam Wan- juice. She talks and talks to me, and I understand 1/1000, but that does not stop her. She does not get frustrated at all.
Beautiful tree that grows all over Thailand. The flowers turn from bright red to yellow slowly. It is called a Flame Tree. Khon Kaen Wat in background. Temple with nine stories that you can climb. Background to my blog.
Working with my principals wife. We don't have anything like this in the United States, but it is an offering of sorts. I don't know much about it.

Favorite past time of Thai people: EATING!! This is early in the morning on the last day of the monk ordination.

The monk ordination shuts down traffic down this street. My house is on the left with the sign for the monk ordination hanging on the wall.
Here are my buddies chopping green papaya to make som tom (spicy papaya salad). I helped peel papayas for a few hours.
Here is the view from my hotel room over the hotel.

Delicious. Coconut ice cream served in a coconut with coconut meat and an unidentified fruit.
Rainbow from my hotel room.

sunset over Isan. Essan is known for it's spectacular clouds. No joke.

here is the new monk. He's done with his monk service. Everyone in the village gives a pillow.